Practice is currently available during daylight hours on Saturdays and Sundays. On race days, blackout dates, or dates when a group has reserved the track for the day, practice will be unavailable. Check the current Event Calendar for an updated schedule of events.
1 Day Practice Pass $45
Each driver who wishes to practice on track will require a pass. Members will receive a 20% discount on their practice pass at the time of purchase.
1 Day Pit Pass $5
Due to insurance requirements, all crew & spectators in the pit areas must purchase an armband. Drivers who have paid for practice do not require an additional Pit pass. Members will receive a 20% discount on their practice pass at the time of purchase.
Practice Packages
GSKA Members are eligible to purchase practice packages in 3, 6, and 12 month increments. Rates are available for both Individual and Family Membership types. The Family Practice packages will cover all eligible drivers in a Family account. For more information, see our Membership Section for details. Pricing rates are as follows:
- 3 Months = $150
- 6 Months = $250
- 12 Months = $400
- 3 Months = $225
- 6 Months = $350
- 12 Months = $550