2018 GSKA Board Membership Poll

Dear GSKA Members,


Concerns were brought to the Board’s attention by club members in regards to the nomination procedures and subsequent election for the 2018 GSKA Board of directors. In addition, during Board discussions, the question was raised if the GSKA actually needs seven directors or can we function just as well with five. It is for this reason that the Board is conducting this poll. Please make a selection in the poll at the bottom of this post. We have two options:


  1. Should the GSKA Board of Directors continue operating with seven Board members.
  2. Should the GSKA Board of Directors be reduced to five Board members, eliminating the class director positions.


Because of the need for the GSKA to have a fully populated Board quickly, this poll will close at midnight on November 29th. Once the poll is completed the GSKA will then start requesting nominations to fill either two or four seats. The GSKA would like to be able to hold new elections by the middle of December.


If you have any desire to help the club grow, please contact us via the following link: https://thegska.com/contact-us/